La actividad se llevará a cabo entre el 6 y 9 de mayo de 2013 en La Serena, y entre los temas que serán abordados están las poblaciones estelares resueltas del bulbo de la Vía Láctea, el Halo Galáctico y las Nubes Magallánicas.
Cincuenta Años de Estudios de Campos Amplios en el Hemisferio Sur:
Poblaciones Estelares Resueltas en el Bulbo Galáctico y Las Nubes Magallánicas
La llegada de cámaras de campo amplio CCD en telescopios de 4 metros ha proporcionado la oportunidad de estudiar extensas zonas del cielo a importantes profundidades, dando lugar a nuevas perspectivas en la formación de nuestra galaxia. En particular, la selección del sitio de Cerro Tololo en noviembre 1962, permitió un mapeo de los hasta entonces relativamente inaccesibles Cielos del Sur. Al celebrar el 50º aniversario de nuestro Observatorio Nacional de Astronomía Óptica en el Sur, hay razones para reunirse a estimular debates científicos y también a soñar un poco. Los temas de la conferencia incluyen las poblaciones estelares resueltas del bulbo de la Vía Láctea, el Halo Galáctico, y las Nubes Magallánicas.
Registro hasta el 1 de abril de 2013.
Mayor información acerca del Simposio en http://www.ctio.noao.edu/noao/conference/CTIO-50-years
Ante cualquier duda, escriba al email ctio50loc@ctio.noao.edu
1st Announcement:
The CTIO Fifty Years of Wide Field Studies in the Southern Hemisphere Conference
The advent of wide-field CCD cameras on 4-meter class telescopes has provided the chance to survey vast parts of the sky to significant depths, leading to new perspectives on the formation of our Galaxy. In particular, the selection of the Cerro Tololo site in November 1962, enabled a mapping of the until then relatively inaccessible Southern skies. As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our National Optical Astronomy Observatory in the South, there is cause to come together for stimulating scientific discussions and also a little reverie. The topics of this conference include the resolved stellar populations of the bulge of the Milky Way, the Galactic Halo, and the Magellanic Clouds. We will discuss existing observations from large scale surveys, new surveys in the works and different strategies that allow for innovative approaches to constrain Galaxy formation models. This meeting will also be a starting point to highlight the capabilities provided by wide field cameras such as DECam and how to efficiently use them in a new era of “big data” science.”
Some say Tololo means “the edge of the abyss.” This is fitting as CTIO was founded on and remains at the cutting edge of astronomy. Indeed, CTIO’s impact on astronomy has far surpassed its original mission to provide world class facilities to observe the southern sky. On the occasion of CTIO’s 50th birthday, it is therefore appropriate to share stories and memories of the many events (some unconventional) and exceptional characters that have helped shape CTIO. Thus, the workshop will include a program of invited talks on the scientific and cultural history of CTIO.
Invited speakers will cover the following topics:
• The Stellar Population of the Galactic Bulge
• Chemical Abundances in the Galactic Bulge
• Galactic Clusters in the Galactic Bulge
• Modeling the Formation of the Galactic Bulge
• The Old Stellar Populations of the Magellanic Clouds
• Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud
• Variable Stars in the Magellanic Clouds and Galactic Center
• Star formation and the IMF in the Magellanic Clouds
• CTIO Science Highlights
On-line registration deadline: April 1, 2013
For more information on the Symposium, please check the website: http://www.ctio.noao.edu/noao/conference/CTIO-50-years
Please feel free to contact us with an email message to ctio50loc@ctio.noao.edu