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EnVivo: Reproducible Research and Open Science

SCIAN-LAb, AI•BI, BioMed-HPC y el Biomedical Neuroscience Institute (BNI) invitan a seguir la transmisión en vivo del Seminario Reproducible Research in Computational Sciencie, que se realizará este lunes 15 de abril, a las 16 horas, en dependencias del Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM) de la Universidad de Chile.

Expone Dr. Nicolas Limare, CMLA-ENS Cachan, Francia/Japón.

Sofware is an essential component of applied and computational sciences, but not included yet in the research publication workflow. Without implementations, one can not know all the fine details of an algorithm and accurately reproduce and verify previous scientific results. Therefore, publishing algorithms without their implementations doesn’t satisfy the scientific method.

IPOL answers this problema for image processing. In this research journal, each article contains a text describing and algorithm and source code, with an online demostration facility and an archive of online experiments. The text and source code are peer- reviewed and the demostration is controlled.

After a short introduction to the Reproducible Research and Open Science background, we will explain why we need new publishing models like IPOL, how IPOL Works, its benefits, and our plans for future development.

IPOL http://www.ipol.im/

Siga la transmisión en vivo {urltx uchile-nlimare}

Fecha: Lunes 15 de abril de 2013, desde las 16:00 horas.

Lugar: Transmisión desde la sala de videoconferencia, piso -1. CMM, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile. Avda. Blanco Encalada 2120, Santiago.