“The La Serena School for Data Science: Applied Tools for Astronomy”, es el nombre de la primera actividad de este tipo que se realizará entre el 12 y 16 de agosto, en el Campus de AURA, La Serena.
Parte de esta actividad se transmitirá por streaming a través del sitio web de REUNA. Los bloques que se transmitirán corresponden a los días martes 13 y miércoles 14 de agosto de 8.30 a 10.30 horas.
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The volume and complexity of astronomical data continues to grow as the current generation of surveys come online (PanSTARRS, Dark Energy Survey, VISTA). Astronomers will need to work with giga, tera and even petabytes of data in real time (LSST). This poses the challenges of developing and using new tools for data discovery, access, and analysis. At the same time, there are new opportunities for interdisciplinary research in applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning, crowd-sourcing, etc. Astronomy provides a sand-box where scientists can come together from diverse fields to address common challenges within the “Big Data” paradigm.
The LA SERENA SCHOOL FOR DATA SCIENCE: Applied Tools for Astronomy is an intensive week of interdisciplinary lectures focused on applied tools for handling big astronomical data. Participants will be instructed in how astronomical data are processed, accessed and analyzed, including reduction pipelines, databases, and scientific programming. The School will be taught by an international and interdisciplinary group of professors who will use real data and examples. Participants will work on team-based projects and be provided training and access to the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing located at the University of Chile’s Center for Mathematical Modeling.
Tuesday Aug. 13: Tools
08:30: Introduction to astronomical relational databases (Mauro San Martin)
09:15: Introduction to query languages (SQL) (Mauro San Martin)
10:00: Introduction to V.O. (Amelia Bayo)
Wednesday Aug. 14: Applied statistics
08:30: Intro to Machine Learning (Guillermo)
09:15: Intro to Time Series (Pablo Estevez)
10:00: Intro to Interferometry (Pablo Roman)
Para más información ingrese a http://aurao.ctio.noao.edu/winter_school/