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(56 2) 2337 0300 – 2337 0307
José Domingo Cañas 2819, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile.

The Mid-2013 SAACC Meeting

REUNA, in support of AmLight and the South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC), and in collaboration with the University of Chile’s Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM), would like to invite you to join us in Santiago, Chile for the mid-2013 SAACC meeting. The SAACC is now in its 4th year and serves not only to provide input and advice to the AmLight PI and the Steering Committee on program and network needs, but also as a venue for coordinating the needs of these astronomical projects and institutions to improve their resource planning and implementation of operational connections between these distant facilities and users in the continental US and Latin-American Countries.   Within this context, it is our pleasure to host the Mid-2013 SAACC Meeting in Santiago, Chile.  The meeting will take place on August 19, 2013 at the CMM offices on the University of Chile campus located near downtown Santiago.  In order to coordinate hotel reservations, transport to/from the airport, and any other details, please contact Amparito Sánchez asanchez@reuna.cl    As always, we will also support virtual participation through video conferencing systems using REUNA’s MCU.  If you plan to participate in the meeting virtually, please contact Amparito Sánchez asanchez@reuna.cl to coordinate the connection. The agenda will be posted to the SAACC website and Facebook page in the near future, and updated as we firm up participation.   We look forward to seeing you in Santiago in August!


More information http://www.amlight.net/SAACC/201308.html