eduGAIN, the service enabling the trustworthy exchange of identity and access information among identity federations, welcomes InCommon after its first step towards worldwide interfederation with Internet2’s Trust and Identity Program Advisory Group and InCommon Steering Committee agreeing to join.
Signing the eduGAIN Declaration is the first formal step toward interconnecting with peers in 30 other federations, including those in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Japan and New Zealand as well as in Europe.
“With this announcement, we pass a milestone that was set when the eduGAIN interfederation service launched in 2011 – for all production federations in existence to join,” says Brook Schofield (TERENA), eduGAIN Product Manager. “Since that time we’ve seen the growth of identity federations in Europe and around the world and we continue to work on offering a platform for collaboration and innovation to research and education networks everywhere.”
“Thanks to significant work by InCommon community members and working groups, we are making the first step toward worldwide interfederation,” said Klara Jelinkova, committee chair and senior associate vice president and chief information technology officer at the University of Chicago. “We still have much work to do on the technical details, but this signals our commitment to the trusted exchange of identity information with our partners around the world.”
Through eduGAIN, universities and their researchers and educators can access a greater range of services, delivered by multiple federations in a collaborative environment. Service providers for research, scholarship, and administration will reach international partners in other federations who will seamlessly benefit from the wider range of services.
“We expect eduGAIN will provide significant benefits to InCommon participants,” said Shel Waggener, senior vice president at Internet2. “Identity providers will be able to make many more services available, and our sponsored partners will greatly expand their scope. This is a big win for all involved.”
Para más información visite http://www.geant.net/MediaCentreEvents/news/Pages/eduGAIN_increases_global_growth.aspx