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Live Streaming: The La Silla Observatory – from the inauguration to the future

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This conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of La Silla Observatory. We will review the significance of its history in all aspects and discuss possible future scenarios. The history of the Observatory including all of its many facets, and the research areas where La Silla telescopes have made important contributions will be reviewed.

This event will be held at the University of La Serena, Chile, at March 25-29, 2019.

Scientific Rationale

The La Silla Observatory was officially inaugurated on 25 March 1969. This event marked the culmination of the vision of European astronomers to create a major observatory in the Southern Hemisphere. In the following decades, La Silla served as the test-bed for developing technical and scientific expertise in the European astronomical community, establishing communications channels with the public at large and the interaction of an inter-governmental organisation and its host country, Chile. Relations with other astronomical facilities in the Andes mountains are also part of its history. La Silla has served as a superb site where national communities of ESO member states could install their experiments; some of these facilities regularly put the La Silla Observatory in the news. This conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of La Silla. We will review the significance of its history in all aspects and discuss possible future scenarios. The history of the Observatory including all of its many facets, and the research areas where La Silla telescopes have made important contributions will be reviewed.

Main topics

  • History
    • Technical history
      • History of facilities hosted on site
      • Social history
      • Relations with the Republic of Chile and its astronomical community
  • Main scientific achievements
  • Relations with competing facilities

Live streaming will be available in March 25-29, 2019.

Further information in https://www.eso.org/sci/meetings/2019/lasilla2019.html